August 3rd, 2018: Raising the Roof

We’ve had a very busy week here in Queensland. Since getting our frames and trusses installed last week we’ve been taking care of a lot of bracing and tie-down details. We’re not in a cyclone zone here but, being on the coast, there’s potential for some pretty high winds which can cause wracking, shear and uplift forces. To combat those, the codes require that we install a lot of protection in the form of bolts, connectors, cyclone ties (to hold the trusses down to the wall frames) and even threaded rods fed all the way down through the wall frames to tie the roof down to the foundations.

Threaded rods are being fed down through holes in the wall framing.

Threaded rods being fed down through holes in the wall framing.

It took us most of this week to get all those details finished and they all had to be done before we could put the roof on. We’ve been very lucky with fine weather so it was a big relief to put the roof on today with help from a few local blokes.

Installing the roof which is a light-coloured Colorbond to reflect the Queensland heat.

Installing the roof which is a light-coloured Colorbond to reflect the Queensland heat.

So now the pressure is off a bit. We still have a lot to do to get the house to lock-up stage but at least we’re partially protected from rain.

180803 Finished roof


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